6 Things To Know Before You Ride. Tandem electric scooter

Electric Scooter Safety Guide. Tips Precautions to Keep You Safe

Let’s address the elephant in the room right of the bat.

Electric scooters are safe, period. As a vehicle. They are safe. The average user though. probably not as much.

With the increasing popularity of electric scooters, and in particular share scooters, there were some accidents that pointed at the electric scooter as a dangerous vehicle. Not much was being said about the rider.

There is no vehicle that is safe in the hands of a thoughtless and reckless pilot. Not even a bicycle.

Where and how your ride, at what speeds as well as the safety equipment (or lack thereof), is what makes things dangerous.

Who on earth would go skiing or snowboarding without a helmet these days? Why would you ride an electric scooter without one?

Treat the electric scooter as well as yourself and other road users with respect and it will be as safe as any other vehicle.

Learning how to ride properly, and keeping your balance under braking is key to controlling your e scooter.

The electric scooter is a phenomenal environmentally friendly economical transport tool. It is here to stay so let’s get used to it and learn how to ride safely.

  • Are electric scooters safe?
  • Inspect the scooter before your ride
  • Wear a helmet
  • Ride Solo (Never ride tandem)
  • Don’t use your phone while driving
  • Slow down before looking back or turning.
  • Keep your eyes on the road
  • Avoid riding in bad weather conditions
  • Avoid riding in pedestrian areas
  • Follow regular road safety
  • Maintain your electric scooter regularly

Are electric scooters safe?

Accidents happen, and as such, are also subject to data collection with various countries’ departments of transport as well as other institutions.

One study done by Consumer Reports shows that the most common accidents are inexperienced riders not wearing helmets which amounted to 33% of the head injuries. Of those surveyed, 83% were accidents not caused by a collision but falls. This means that rider error and lack of paying attention most likely is the main reason for accidents.

The main problem, or challenge, with e scooter users is the attitude of the average rider. It seems people think there is no need to be wary and they treat it like a toy. Hop on and get going.

We never let our kids learn to ride a bike that way. We teach them how to balance, tell them to always wear a helmet, look out for wet patches, don’t brake while turning on dirt or gravel with your front wheel, and so on.

things, know, ride, tandem, electric, scooter

The electric scooter needs as much attention if not more. Smaller wheels are not like riding a bike. They might catch you out on a pothole. In the wet, you will have a longer braking distance and it is easier to get into a slide than on a bike f.e.

Stay focused is probably the best tip apart from always wearing a helmet. Pedestrians and other traffic participants might not hear or see you as well as you think.

Inspect the scooter before your ride

Most people probably hop on and just get going. Don’t be like most people. Be smarter. A short pre-ride check to avoid accidents is easy to do. Especially important with share scooters.

A throttle and brake check would be first on that list. Make sure they operate properly. Brakes need to be in good shape.

Check the tires for damage, and the tire pressure if they are air-filled.

Battery level to make sure you reach your destination.

If you plan on riding in the dark, make sure the lights are operational.

Wear a helmet

As far as non-negotiable safety features go, the helmet is king. Always wear a helmet. An don’t think, “it’s just a short trip, I can skip the helmet for that”. This is the one that is going to get you. Sooner or later you will fall. It will happen. Will you be prepared? Are you a safety-conscious person?

Fighter pilots do crazy stuff in crazy environments and safety, is be the be-all and end-all for them. Preflight check for sure. They wouldn’t leave anything to chance. The same principle should apply if you ride motorcycles, and/or electric scooters.

In addition, you should always wear gloves and elbow pads to protect yourself. If you have your own daily commuter scooter, this is a no-brainer.

Ride Solo (Never ride tandem)

The electric scooter is designed as a one-person vehicle. It might seem convenient to bring a friend along but the stability, braking, and overall way of riding are not for two people on a scooter. Don’t ride in tandem. If you do, you will have to stand with your feet parallel which is another nono on an electric scooter. You have less balance this way. Your feet should be in a skateboard/snowboard position for maximum scooter safety regarding balance.

Don’t use your phone while driving

Never ever use your phone while riding. It is scary to steer an electric scooter with one hand as it is, and not to be recommended. You need to stay focused and not perform distracted scootering. The use of phones in traffic and other traffic participants is probably a huge reason for a lot of accidents. You need to look out for other vehicles and traffic in general.

Slow down before looking back or turning.

Slow down before looking back or turning.Turning in traffic is always risky. Especially left turns, in the part of the world where there is right-hand traffic. The added problem on an electric scooter is the same as on a bike. Most scooters don’t have mirrors so you need to look over your shoulder. This is a very risky move and is the reason for many crashes. Even amongst pro bikers. It is easy to lose your trajectory and start veering off in the direction of where you are looking.

This is where you will go off-road or crash with oncoming traffic. Even on a relatively slow share scooter, it is easy to underestimate the speed at which you are traveling and before you know it. Boom. Slow down properly before turning and if needed, signal. If your scooter doesn’t have a turn signal, you can point with your arm, but letting go of the handlebars is scary so you might want to poke your leg or foot out instead. Indicating where you are going.

Keep your eyes on the road

Reading the surface and road conditions is one of the most important things as far as e scooter safety tips go. The smaller wheels need a rider who is vigilant. Look out for potholes or other imperfections in the road that can catch the unwary out. One of the most important things to keep in mind is to keep your eyes a good distance in front of you and not only a couple of feet. Might be too late otherwise.

Avoid riding in bad weather conditions

The electric scooter is not really an ideal wet weather companion. Even if it has a good IP rating. If you find yourself riding in the rain, be aware of the lower grip, slick patches, white lines and avoid fast speeds.

things, know, ride, tandem, electric, scooter

Avoid riding in pedestrian areas

Plan ahead and try to know which route you will choose. Avoid pedestrian areas as much as you can. Zipping past people walking, scaring the bejesus out of them zig-zagging in stealth mode, is an accident waiting to happen. Make sure you have a bell or a horn to let people know you are around them.

Know your local laws. You might not be allowed to ride in the park where you live.

Follow regular road safety

Use common sense and follow the traffic laws as you would driving a car. Never ever ride drunk or in other ways intoxicated. There are statistics showing that electric scooter accidents are more frequent at the hours of the day when people like to hit the bars.

Try to avoid main roads with heavy traffic.

Maintain your electric scooter regularly

Keeping your electric scooter in good condition is easy and does not require much effort. Check and if needed, retighten screws and bolts regularly. There is quite a lot of vibration going through an e-scooters chassis so loosening of screws is not uncommon. You don’t want that to happen to your brake lever or foldable handlebars for instance.

There is no reason why riding an e scooter should be dangerous, yet it can be. But only because users don’t respect them. They seem to think it is merely an alternative to a bicycle.

But where a bike is much safer due to lower speeds, bigger wheels and, easier to steer with one hand, the e scooter is faster, has smaller wheels, and needs two hands on the handlebars at all times. The shifting of your body is also more important than on a bike. Leaning into corners and leaning back under heavy braking is a technique that takes some practice to perfect.

However, the most important electric scooter safety tips will always be the helmet, and as much other body protection as you want to protect. Stay focused and paying attention will help avoid accidents.

Things To Know Before You Ride

This summer, you will notice changes to the shared mobility services offered in Santa Monica. On July 1, Santa Monica’s second shared mobility pilot program launches with four permitted companies with and a mix of four device types to serve a range of transportation needs in the community.

  • Lyft will continue to operate Class 1 e-bikes
  • Spin will operate 2 and 3-wheeled stand up scooters
  • Veo will operate 2-wheeled stand up scooters and Class 2 e-bikes, and
  • Wheels will operate 2-wheeled sit-down scooters

To sign up to ride, download any of the companies’ mobile app, or scan the QR code on the mobility device you want to ride. All four companies will offer discounted rates for qualified riders. Contact the company’s customer service for more information on how to qualify. Bird and Lyft e-scooters will no longer be allowed to operate in the City.

The City of Santa Monica is committed to being a multi-modal city and a place where we eliminate pedestrian fatalities while at the same time reducing vehicle trips and emissions. Through the second shared mobility pilot program. we will continue to learn about how to optimize performance and safety, and regulate and enforce shared mobility services in the City. The new companies will be testing various new and unique features to help and keep the community safe, including on-device turn signals and sidewalk riding detection technology.

As Santa Monica welcomes residents and visitors back to our public spaces, many people are unfamiliar with the important rules of the road and we want to make sure the public is ready to ride. Here are six things you need to know before you go!

1. Ride on the street! Not the beach bike path, Promenade, parks, or sidewalk.

Someone could become seriously injured if a scooter and pedestrian collide on the sidewalk. There’s no getting around it. Electric scooters go up to 15 mph and are required to be on the street and with the flow of traffic. They are also NOT allowed on the Third Street Promenade or beach bike path in Santa Monica. You can get a ticket if you are seen riding an e-scooter on either or in parks, including Palisades Park. For now, enjoy riding an e-scooter in one of the many bike lanes found throughout Santa Monica. The only exception to this rule is the Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes offered by Lyft and Veo, which are allowed to be ridden on the beach bike path.

2. Shared mobility devices aren’t for kids.

Don’t lose your driving privileges! Per the California Vehicle Code you must have a valid license or permit to operate an e-scooter (stand-up or sit-down). You do not need a valid driver’s license to ride a Class 1 or Class 2 e-bike.

3. Park respectfully.

You wouldn’t want someone to park their car on your front lawn, so please be mindful of where and how you park shared e-scooters and e-bikes. There are over 170 drop zones throughout Santa Monica. If you can’t find one, make sure to park upright and to the edge of the curb so you don’t block access. Think about wheelchair users and citizens who need a clear path. If you see a knocked-over e-scooter or bike, please do your part, pick it up, and move it out of the way.

4. Wear a helmet.

Helmets can save your life. They are required for people under age 18. They are also strongly encouraged for adults over age 18. Don’t have a helmet? Consider visiting one of Santa Monica’s many amazing bike stores. or contact one of the four shared mobility companies who will provide you a helmet. You can find something that suits your style.

5. No tandem riding.

It’s against the law to have two riders on one shared mobility device. Sure, it looks fun, but they aren’t built for it and tandem riding increases your chances of getting in an accident. Keep your buddy safe by having them rent their own scooter. And be sure you both have helmets!

6. Don’t sip and scoot.

Alcohol and scooting or biking are a bad mix. Riding under the influence is against the law. You can get a DUI, similar to driving. If you are enjoying a drink, we suggest walking, taking the bus, or catching a ride to reach your next destination instead.

Help us spread the word about shared mobility safety by sharing this blog post. Thanks for your help to keep Santa Monica a safe place to scoot.

important e-scooter laws you should know in California

Electric scooters are motorized devices with two wheels, handlebars and a floorboard that you stand on to rise. You can operate an e-scooter with any class of driver’s license in California. You do not need to register the device with he DMV. And you can only ride the scooter up to 15 MPH and on a bicycle path, trail or bikeway – but not on a sidewalk.

There are 7 important traffic laws that apply to electric scooters in California. They require electric scooter, or E-scooter, riders to:

California electric scooter laws prohibit riders from going faster than 15 mph.

Minors have to wear helmets (California Vehicle Code §21235(c))

California Vehicle Code (CVC) §21235 was specifically written for E-scooters, which have

One of the sections in it requires riders under 18 to use a bicycle helmet while on an E-scooter. That bike helmet has to fit properly. It also has to be fastened.

Adults do not have to comply with this requirement. They can ride E-scooters without wearing a helmet. E-scooter companies like Lime, Bird and Spin recommend only riding with a helmet. Riding without one is often done at your own risk.

Violating this section of the Vehicle Code can lead to a ticket of around 200. The vast majority of E-scooter tickets had been for not wearing a helmet before it was made legal in 2019. 1

Maximum speed is 15 mph (CVC §22411)

CVC §22411 is the state law that puts a speed limit on E-scooters. That speed limit is 15 miles per hour. Going over this speed limit can result in a traffic stop and a ticket. That ticket can cost up to 250.

E-scooter sharing companies like Lime and Bird build their scooters to only go up to 15mph. However, fully accelerating and going downhill can make the scooter go faster.

Use bike lanes (CVC §21229)

CVC §21229 requires E-scooters be ridden in bike lanes (also called bikeways, bike paths, or bicycle paths) whenever one is available.

The traffic law refers to a “Class II bicycle lane.” This type of bicycle lane is on the right edge of a street and has a solid white line on each side. It usually has a bicycle symbol inside the white borders. It only facilitates one-way riding.

The law only allows for 4 exceptions to riding in a Class II bike lane:

  • While passing another vehicle or pedestrian,
  • When completing a left hand turn,
  • To avoid debris or other hazards in the bike lane, or
  • When turning right.

No tandem rides, stay off the sidewalks, and have a valid license (CVC §21235)

In addition to requiring E-scooter riders to wear a helmet, CVC §21235 forbids:

  • Riding with a passenger on the scooter (also known as a “tandem ride”), 2
  • Riding an E-scooter on the sidewalk, 3 and
  • Driving an E-scooter without having a valid drivers’ license. 4

The only time you are allowed to ride an E-scooter on the sidewalk is to park the scooter or get a parked scooter onto the street.

CVC§21235 allows people to ride an E-scooter with a valid learner’s permit, in addition to a drivers’ license.

Violations are penalized with traffic tickets. Those tickets are usually around 200.

Dismount and walk for left hand turns (CVC §21228)

CVC §21228 is an especially onerous traffic rule for E-scooter riders. It forces E-scooters to turn left by:

  • Stopping after the intersection on the right curb,
  • Dismounting, and
  • Crossing the roadway on foot.

These rules are meant to prevent scooter accidents.

Crosswalk rules (CVC §275)

CVC §275 defines a crosswalk. At street intersections that are approximately right angles, crosswalks are technically sidewalks under this definition.

Under CVC §21235(g), it is a traffic violation to ride an E-scooter on a sidewalk. Therefore, it is also a violation to ride one in a crosswalk. Doing so can lead to a traffic ticket of around 200.

E-scooters have to follow traffic rules like a motor vehicle (CVC §21221)

CVC §21221 is a kind of “catch-all” traffic law for E-scooters. It says that E-scooters have all the same rights and responsibilities as a motor vehicle. The only exception is where those rights or responsibilities “by their very nature, can have no application.”

This traffic provision makes specific mention of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drunk E-scootering can lead to a DUI charge, as well as a traffic ticket of around 350.

Note that riders should also check their local laws about any specific rules and regulations.

Call our law firm for real-time assistance. We offer free consultations.

If you’ve been injured on or by a scooter, we invite you to consult with a California scooter accident lawyer at Shouse Law Group. We have offices throughout California, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, and more.

Also see our related articles on electric bicycle accidents and personal injury claims and cycling under the influence (which includes mopeds and motorized bicycles). Also learn more at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website.


  • Lauryn Schroeder, “Motorized scooter tickets leap in San Diego,” The San Diego Union-Tribune (February 3, 2019).
  • CVC §21235(e).
  • CVC §21235(g).
  • CVC §21235(d).

Kick scooter for two people presented

The US startup Bogo wants to compete with the big players in e-scooter sharing with an e-scooter for two people.

N According to Allegra Steinberg, Bogo co-founder, the new double stand was developed primarily for safety reasons. Many accidents with e-scooters can be observed that are due to the fact that they are used to transport two people. The Bogo Scooter is intended to solve this problem by providing a second handlebar behind the driver to provide a secure hold for a passenger. The Bogo Scooter is also almost twice as long as the competition’s single scooters.

Approval in Germany unlikely

While the normal e-scooters have only just been approved in this country (costs for a so-called small electric vehicle approx. 30 euros per year), it cannot be assumed that the Bogo scooter can also be moved legally in Germany. Siegfried Brockmann from the accident research of the insurers, for example, already reported massive concerns in an interview with Spiegel. It is true that more and more people are standing on an e-scooter, but action must be taken instead of legalizing it. In the case of abrupt braking maneuvers or changes of direction by the driver, the risk of accidents on the tandem scooter is very high in two-person operation.

Well-known models such as the Lime-S only have one person.

Our deputy test boss Johannes Muller cannot take the concept seriously either. His opinion when asked: “The tandem e-scooter? Good idea! The excessive security fanaticism has been on my watch for a long time. I expressly support the fact that two Darwin candidates can now also concretise each other in tandem in an inner-city-electric way. Five out of five stars! “

Coming soon in the US

Bogo wants to offer the new scooters as sharing scooters in major cities in Nevada and California in just a few weeks. E-scooters that can be rented at any time are currently booming in major cities around the world, especially in the USA. The price of the Bogo Scooter should be in the range of the single scooter competition. A one-time fee of one dollar plus 15 cents per minute will cost approximately and the scooter can be parked almost anywhere.

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Mobility Scooter Rental

Our mobility scooters are a great help to people in their day to day lives, given them freedom to move around independently. Ideal for any person with mobility problems. We can provide scooters of different types, of three or four wheels. We can provide scooters from the brand Invacare, models Leo, Orion, Comet and Colibri, amongst others.

Our mobility scooters are easy to drive and control. They are electric and provide a warning when the battery level is running low. They are easy to assemble and disassemble without the need for tools. The vehicles have comfortable, rotating and adjustable seats. Under the seat on the right hand side there is a lever which unlocks the scooter and allows it to be moved freely by pushing, provided that the key is not inserted.

We have scooters available to suit all sizes. DEL 15 DE JUNIO AL 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE LOS PRECIOS PUEDEN VARIAR!

Rental conditions

We require an identification document, either original or copy. It is necessary to provide the information of the hotel where you are staying, room number, home address and telephone number. Deposit must be paid in cash. Deposit will be refund at the time the mobility scooter is returned.

Once the rental contract is signed, the customer is responsible for the operation of the vehicle. This vehicle is available to rent only to people with reduced mobility, elderly people and pregnant women. It is necessary to provide proof of disability or justification for the rental.

Users must comply with the same rules as pedestrians. The vehicle must only travel in pedestrian area or the bicycle lane. The maximum speed limit is 10 kilometres per hour. Driving the scooter on the road or any other road traffic route is forbidden. Only one person may ride the scooter. It is prohibited to lend the vehicle to another person, including children.

things, know, ride, tandem, electric, scooter

Inside the hotel you must respect the rules of the hotel and the speed limit. It is prohibited to drive into the hotel with a double scooter, please ask the reception to park the vehicle in a appropiate place.

Tandem Mobility Scooter

Our mobility scooters are a great help to people in their day to day lives, giving them freedom to move around independently. Ideal for any person with mobility problems.

Our mobility scooters are easy to drive and control. They are electric and provide a warning when the battery level is running low. They are easy to assemble and disassemble without the need for tools. The vehicles have comfortable, rotating and adjustable seats. Under the seat on the right hand side there is a lever which unlocks the scooter and allows it to be moved freely by pushing, provided that the key is not inserted.

We offer two-place foor wheel scooters. DEL 15 DE JUNIO AL 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE LOS PRECIOS PUEDEN VARIAR!

Rental conditions

We require an identification document, either original or copy. It is necessary to provide the information of the hotel where you are staying, room number, home address and telephone number. Deposit must be paid in cash. Deposit will be refund at the time the mobility scooter is returned.

Once the rental contract is signed, the customer is responsible for the operation of the vehicle. This vehicle is available to rent only to people with reduced mobility, elderly people and pregnant women. It is necessary to provide proof of disability or justification for the rental.

Users must comply with the same rules as pedestrians. The vehicle must only travel in pedestrian area or the bicycle lane. The maximum speed limit is 10 kilometres per hour. Driving the scooter on the road or any other road traffic route is forbidden. Only two people may ride the scooter. It is prohibited to lend the vehicle to another person, including children.

Inside the hotel you must respect the rules of the hotel and the speed limit. It is prohibited to drive into the hotel with a double scooter, please ask the reception to park the vehicle in a appropiate place.

Electric Wheelchair

Battery operated mobility aid for disabled people, helping them to move around freely. The occupant can control the seat with a small panel which gives them full control over the direction and speed. The seat that we offer is foldable, allowing for easier transport.


Term Price
Per Day
Additional Day € 15 / 1 Day
1 Day € 20
2 Days € 30
3 Days € 45
4 Days € 55
5 Days € 65
6 Days € 70
7 Days € 75
14 Days € 130
30 Days € 200

Drac Cambrils

Drac Beach Av. de la Diputació 16 Local 16/17 43850 Cambrils Tarragona

Drac Camping

Drac Beach Av. de la Diputació 163, Local 5 43850 Cambrils Tarragona

Cambrils Vilafortuny

Drac Beach (Hotel Cesar Augustus) Av. de la Diputació 188 43850 Cambrils Tarragona


Drac Beach Plaça d’Europa Edificio Royal, Numero (D’) 11 Autovia Tarragona-Salou Local BA 43840 Salou Tarragona

things, know, ride, tandem, electric, scooter

Drac La Pineda

Drac Beach, Edificio Uolas, Carretera de la Costa 80, 43840, Salou

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