8 Reasons to Not Buy the Aventon Soltera e-bike. Soltera e bike

Aventon Soltera Step-Through Review

What a time to be alive and a fan of e-bikes. Gone are the days when you had to dole out thousands of dollars for a janky e-bike with less range than a remote-controlled toy.

Case in point, the Aventon Soltera step-through!

I don’t know what kind of engineering black magic the Aventon engineers are using, but they somehow managed to produce an affordable, gorgeous commuter with pretty decent specs.

Sure, it doesn’t come with the most powerful motor or battery, but it will make your short trips around town much more enjoyable. And on top of that, it looks pretty damn cool.


I forgot to tell you in the intro that this is the Soltera actually comes in two flavors: step-over and step-through.

The reason why I’m not doing a dual review right now is that there are significant differences between the two.

For starters, the step-over Soltera comes with dinky little caliper brakes that offer less breaking power than just yelling, “stop!”

To make things even worse, the step-over version comes with a single gear. You rarely see regular single-gear bikes these days, let alone electric bikes.

The funniest thing about all this is that both versions are priced the same. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t go for the step-over Slotera even in my wildest dreams.

So, what does the step-through Soltera have to offer?

Well, a pretty sexy frame design, for starters.

The frame is fashioned in the same way as a high-end touring bike. In other words, there aren’t many unnecessary accents or accessories. just pure functionality.

With that said, the front forks are pretty thick, which kinda’ adds the perfect contrast to the whole minimalistic aesthetic.

The cables are routed through the frame, which just further adds to the sleekness of the frame.

On top of that, the Soltera is pretty lightweight. It weighs just a tad under 41 pounds. So even if you’re not the most able-bodied, you’ll have no trouble lugging it around.

One little detail that blew me away was the tail lights. They’re integrated into the frame, which is something you don’t see in affordable e-bikes.

Unfortunately, this also means you’ll have to go through the whole trouble of fixing the tail lights when they eventually die. On the bright side, I’ve gone through hundreds of user reviews, and no one mentioned tail lights giving out.

This being a budget-oriented e-bike and all, there aren’t any accessories. The Soltera is as bare-bones as it can get.

Still, you can buy all the accessories you want from Aventon’s store. It’s far from cheap, but hey, it’s there. At least the cargo racks are affordable.

The only thing that rubs me the wrong way about the frame is the battery placement.

The battery is integrated into the lower side of the downtube, which makes taking it out a bit frustrating because you have to move the front wheel out of the way.


Aventon Solter comes with a 350-watt rear-gear motor.

At first glance, you might think that 350 watts of power isn’t enough to get this bike to 10 MPH, let alone 20 MPH.

But when you consider this bike weighs just 41 pounds, it all clicks. You don’t need a beefy motor if you’re not going to drive a lot of weight.

Of course, this motor produces almost no torque, but it will reliably get you to the max speed of 20 MPH in no time.

One thing that I noticed when riding the Soltera around is that the motor didn’t give any noticeable assistance until PAS 3. But that’s the case with most cheap e-bikes with underpowered motors.I think Aventon should’ve just put 3 levels of PAS instead of 5, but I guess five levels of pedal assist sounds better than three.

At least there’s a thumb throttle when you get tired of peddling. Just keep in mind that it will cut your range by more than half.

The one component where Aventon didn’t spare any expense was the LCD display. It’s extremely well-lit and easy to read.

You can also pair the controller with your phone and get some juicy info about your ride, such as calorie burn, total C02 reduced, as well as a nifty google maps integration.


Although Soltera comes with a pretty slim battery, it can churn out quite a lot of range.

reasons, aventon, soltera, e-bike, bike

The battery can hold only 10 Ah of charge. This will get you around for about 40 miles of range.

However, there are some caveats.

If you want to squeeze out every foot of range from this battery, you’ll have to ride this bike on PAS 1. This means you’ll be draining more of your energy rather than the battery.

Naturally, as you up the PAS level, the range drops off. At PAS 5, you can expect around 20 miles of range. Maybe you’ll squeeze out another mile if you’re super skinny.

What really blew me away was the range on the throttle. I don’t know how, but I managed to squeeze out 15 miles without turning the pedals once.

But this is not where the good stuff ends. Although it’s integrated, you can remove the battery from the frame and charge it somewhere more convenient.

As for the recharge time, it takes around 5 hours to top the battery off from 0 to 100 percent.


One of the components that manufacturers usually cheap out on is the brakes. Sadly, this is also the case with Soltera.

Don’t get me wrong, 150 mm mechanical disc brakes are leagues better than caliper brakes, but they still leave a lot to be desired.

Yes, I had no issues coming to a full stop, but it took suspiciously long. I wouldn’t trust these brakes on any other surface than the pavement.

Thankfully, Soltera was built for pavement, so the brakes are adequate, at the very least.


Soltera features your run-of-the-mill 700c wheels and tires. They’re nothing to write home about, but they get the job done. In fact, these are your standard road bike wheels.

At least Aventon used a known brand of tires. Kenda. Just like the wheels, they’re pretty standard.

Since they’re pretty thin, they don’t do a great job of absorbing road shock, so if you don’t like a bumpy ride, I recommend you skip buying this bike.

I wouldn’t ride this bike on anything other than pavement. I mean, you can, but your spine, crotch, and kidneys will suffer greatly.


I have to admit, Soltera is not the most comfortable bike in the world. There’s no suspension and since it comes with standard 700c wheels, there are no fat tires to absorb the road shock either.

However, this bike isn’t meant for long rides, so I took that into account when reviewing this bike.

So, for short rides, the Soltera is amazing. The ride is a bit bumpy, but nothing intolerable.

On top of that, I had no trouble finding a comfortable riding position since I’m a bit on the taller side.

If you’re planning on taking this bike for longer trips, then I recommend you get a suspension seat add-on. Yes, it does cost an arm and a leg, but it will make your ride astronomically more comfortable.

What I Like About Aventon Soltera Step Through E-bike

Whenever I get to ride a budget e-bike such as the Soltera, I can’t help myself not to geek out about all the value it provides.

I’m happy to say that this e-bike has a lot going for it.

The main thing it’s got going is the price. There are just a handful of other e-bikes that provide this much bang for the buck.

Of course, there’s also a gorgeous frame design. The frame lines are aggressive but sleek, which makes for one gorgeous-looking e-bike.

And then there’s the range. This is one of just a handful of e-bikes that actually managed to provide the range as advertised.

Sure, you only get the full range if you are on pedal assist 1, but having 20 miles of range on pedal assist 5 is incredibly impressive for a budget e-bike.

What I Don’t Like About Aventon Soltera Step-Through E-bike

As is the case with everything in life, there are always some drawbacks.

The biggest issue I have is the underpowered motor. It’s not just underpowered, it’s sluggish too.

It took me nearly 20 seconds to reach the top speed of 20 MPH on PAS cranked up all the way to 5.

I know the bike is light and that the motor can drive it just fine, but having a little more power would go a long way.

I also don’t like how uncomfortable it can get. Sure, it’s all fine and dandy on shorter rides, but your crotch, back, and kidneys will start feeling the road after about 10 miles.

Advice To Consumers

If you’re strapped for cash and need a reliable bike for short trips around town, Soltera is perfect for you. If you need anything more than that, I recommend you take a look at some of Aventon’s other e-bikes.

Reasons to Not Buy the Aventon Soltera e-bike

Today we’re uncovering eight reasons to not buy the Aventon Soltera. Yes, it is a minimalistic, sleek, lightweight electric bike geared towards an audience of commuters and performance enthusiasts on a budget. Still, it isn’t perfect.

At first glance, this bike doesn’t even look like an electric bike, thanks to its minimalistic build that conceals the battery.

The low price tag makes many potential e-bike buyers drool in anticipation. After all, there must be some catch when an electric bike costs so little. While it is a decent bike, we can easily think of eight reasons to not buy the Aventon Soltera. Let’s talk about them.

Reason #1: There’s No Suspension

Not every e-bike comes with a suspension. This is true. However, the lack of a suspension on this bike ends up in a rather bumpy ride. Not to mention the wheels are a bit thinner than your typical e-bike at 27.5 x 1.3”, which doesn’t help too much in this department.

Aventon does advertise this bike as a “performance” bike for those interested, and while we respect that the lack of a suspension likely helped keep the down, this certainly did not help with the overall performance aspect of the bike. If you’re planning on using this bike on a gravel or dirt road, you might want to reconsider your purchase.

As the owner of this bike myself, I can say that the few times I took it on a little off-roading adventure, I was wishing I had a suspension.

With that said, they did advertise this bike as a commuter bike for city dwellers. So, if your commute is all pavement then this bike will get you where you need to go. No problem! Just be sure to avoid any stray pebbles or potholes if you enjoy staying on the bike for the duration of the ride.

Reason # 2: Uncomfortable for Above Average Heights

One of the biggest reasons to not buy the Aventon Soltera is it won’t be comfortable if you’re extremely tall.

The Soltera comes in two sizes and two frame options. For the step-over model, they have the regular and the large. For the step-through model, they have S/M and M/L.

The regular size accommodates riders between heights of 4’11” and 5’7” for the step-through model and 5’3” to 5’10” for the step-over model. So far, there have been no complaints from individuals of shorter to average heights for these bikes.

However, the larger bikes are advertised as accommodating for riders between heights of 5’7” to 6’1” for the step-through model and 5’10” to 6’4” for the step-over model. There have been numerous complaints that these bikes are actually not accommodating to people on the taller side, despite the ability to adjust the saddle height. It just isn’t enough to ride comfortably.

One reviewer even mentioned that is 5’10” felt uncomfortable on the M/L step-over bike despite being on the shorter end of the spectrum. There have been other reviewers who highly recommend sizing up if you’re debating between the two sizes. Unless you’re on the shorter side, this bike is likely going to be uncomfortably small for you.

We do appreciate what Aventon was doing by attempting to accommodate a range of sizes and preferences of design. For the most part, many people are content with the feel and overall comfortability of the ride. If you are on the taller side, just get ready to make some adjustments when your new bike arrives for optimal comfort while riding.

Reason #3: The Battery is Lacking

The Aventon Soltera e-bike comes with a removable but integrated 36V, 9.6Ah lithium-ion battery with LG cells. Despite the design of this bike allowing this battery to be conceal beautifully into the frame, there have been plenty of complaints about the overall battery performance.

The first complaint isn’t a mark against the bike itself but against Aventon’s delivery practices. Many buyers receive a bike with a fully depleted or drained battery.

Aventon does state that the battery needs a chance to “wake up” upon arrival and may require upwards of 48 hours on the charger before it’s functional. That’s unideal for multiple reasons. But if it never even works, then it’s just a massive waste of time.

Many experts have also deemed this battery as “below average” in comparison to other e-bikes and their overall functionality. Given the difficult start for numerous people with their batteries, this, unfortunately, does appear to be the case. There just doesn’t seem to be a lot of actual power behind these bikes, you might end up feeling like you’re riding a regular bike for a much higher price.

While it is on the smaller side, even by just a few volts, it is pretty impressive, all things considered, that the battery has an average range of up to 41 miles before needing a recharge. It also only takes an average of 3 to 4 hours for the battery to fully charge, and in most tests, the battery does what Aventon says it will do, so they were true to their word and didn’t necessarily oversell its capabilities.

However, when you realize there are plenty of e-bikes available with a much higher range than 41 miles, you can see why the price tag is so low.

Reason #4: Minimalist to the Extreme

This bike is advertised as having a minimalist design. Aventon took that word to heart. This bike comes with no fenders for added tire protection or racks on the front or rear. The lack of a suspension and torque sensor is also apparent in regard to how little you get with this bike. It’s truly just the basics.

While some aspects of the minimalistic design are desirable, such as the beauty of the frame in concealing the battery, they also went minimalistic with the overall capabilities of this bike. In comparison to most of its competitors on the market right now, the motor and battery are lacking in power and stamina. Many reviewers have reported that this e-bike often feels like riding a regular bike with an occasional push.

With that said, the minimalistic design did likely contribute significantly to Aventon’s ability to sell this bike as an affordable option. Not everyone has several thousand dollars to spend on the best e-bike out there, and Aventon didn’t try to break the bank with this offer so everyone could enjoy an e-bike that wants one.

Also, they do have fenders, racks, and other accessories for additional purchase for those that want them. Still, it won’t match the mule-like carrying capacity of something like a Specialized Globe Haul.

Reason #5: No Torque Sensor

Between that lack of a suspension, the less-than-ideal pedal assistance we’ll be covering a bit later, and the nonexistent torque sensor, this bike is going to give you a bumpy and heavy ride.

This isn’t the only e-bike on the market that doesn’t have a torque sensor. But on this one in particular, there have been many complaints that the pedal assistance doesn’t kick in properly, if at all, when you need it.

Theoretically, the lack of a torque system should actually make it easier to pedal with. A torque sensor is essentially there to measure the amount of force you’re pedaling with and kick in the pedal assistance accordingly. Unfortunately, that is not the case with this bike. Not only is the sensor nonexistent, but the bike remains difficult to pedal with on several accounts anyway.

Despite the lack of several bells and whistles on the Soltera, including the torque sensor, it’s worth noting that Aventon left this out in order to keep the price within an affordable range. While this is often a desirable quality on an e-bike, if someone is just looking for a truly minimalistic e-bike, just a bike with a little extra push, then this is likely the bike they want.

Reason #6: Issues Upon Arrival

This might just be one of the biggest reasons to not buy the Aventon Soltera e-bike. There are countless complaints about the arrival state of this bike from consumers, and from their description, Aventon’s customer service takes their sweet time trying to fix it.

Firstly, there’s the battery issue already discussed where the batteries just straight up don’t work upon arrival. There have been reports of the charger itself not working right out of the box as well.

While Aventon’s customer service seemed attentive enough regarding these issues, many customers were displeased with their lack of urgency and several shipping issues for the replacement parts of bikes they had just received. Several buyers said that customer service outright didn’t even respond to them.

Others reported they were sent used or defective bikes, such as with a bent wheel, despite paying for a new one. If you have any issues with your Aventon Soltera upon arrival, you might have to put up with them for a while.

It is worth noting that several people complained about their bikes arriving with a dead battery. But once charged, it worked. We know it’s frustrating when this happens. But in Aventon’s defense, it’s pretty common to receive pieces of technology with a dead battery that needs charging. It’s highly dependent on how long it was stored before it shipped. As long as the battery does turn on within a reasonable amount of time, you can expect this behavior.

Additionally, if you buy your bike from a specialty bike shop, as I did, you’ll skip all of the delivery problems. Buying your e-bike in person means you can inspect it and make sure everything works perfectly before taking it home.

Reason #7: The Pedal Assistance is Subpar

We’ve touched on this briefly above, but let’s delve into it. Despite the lack of a torque sensor, the pedal assistance should still kick in automatically when you need the extra push. The most common complaint about this bike is that this is not the case.

I can say from experience that this definitely is not the most powerful e-bike. In other words, the acceleration won’t knock your socks off. It’s a little slow to get up and go.

One reviewer even described this bike as “…an economy car with a bad automatic transmission” due to the severe lack of actual assistance the bike provides and its inopportune timing of assistance.

There have also been complaints that pedal assistance levels 1 and 2 don’t really provide any noticeable assistance. It still feels like riding a regular bike until at least level 3. After all, levels 1 and 2 only help you up to 5 to 8 miles per hour.

Given that the Aventon Soltera is advertised as having five levels of pedal assistance, this is not ideal.

We will say that while this bike is lacking some of the advanced equipment, at least it comes with options like a single-speed and 7-speed variant. Plus, the range and capabilities of the motor are actually quite impressive compared with what’s on the market.

Even if you do have to go up to a level 3 or higher, it still travels further than many other electric bikes with more power and accessories in nearly every test conducted across the board. That’s no small feat.

Reason #8: Ergonomics Were Not the Goal

This is one of the less significant reasons to not buy the Aventon Soltera. But it is still worth mentioning.

Maybe the goal wasn’t to do away with ergonomics completely, but it doesn’t appear to have been the priority in the design of this bike. This bike was designed for “performance” meaning that you aren’t really able to sit up straight on this bike, it forces you to lean forward quite a bit.

For some, this might be ideal. For most, you’re going to be pretty uncomfortable on long rides if you aren’t used to this type of positioning.

Secondly, the saddle, Selle Royal, was reviewed as pretty uncomfortable by several users, especially women. Some found it so uncomfortable they went as far as replacing the saddle, which could wind up yet another additional cost to you given everything else this bike doesn’t come with.

Many people reported that they couldn’t find a comfortable position despite the adjustment capabilities of the saddle due to the general discomfort of the cushion combined with the forward leaning position required to ride.

We will say that the choice between a step-through and step-over style frame is much appreciated. It can be difficult for riders to mount and dismount comfortably due to the height of the top tube, so this added consideration is worth shouting out on Aventon’s behalf. They also did provide ergonomic grips on the handles that did not garner any complaints, so at least one aspect of this design is comfortable for bikers.

Reasons to Not Buy the Aventon Soltera e-bike FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the warranty period on the Aventon Soltera e-bike?

There is a two-year warranty period on this e-bike. Should something need replacing after the warranty period is up, Aventon also sells several replacement parts for purchase.

How can I make my Aventon Soltera go faster?

Once you get your app connected with your bike (there are provided instructions that come with the bike on how to do this), you can go into the settings portion of the app and adjust your top speed preferences there. The top speed capability of this bike, as advertised, is 20 mph. The only real way to go faster is to break a sweat and start pedaling harder once you hit the maximum electric-assisted speed.

What is the life expectancy of an Aventon Soltera battery?

This answer is highly subjective on how long and how frequently you use your bike, so it varies. Statistically speaking, your battery should remain at full capacity for at least two years if you use your bike every day, or up to five years if you’re more of a weekend-only rider. Aventon does have e-bike batteries for purchase should your battery need replacing in a few years.

reasons, aventon, soltera, e-bike, bike

Does the Aventon Soltera have a throttle?

Yes. If you don’t want to rely on pedal assistance alone, you can use the integrated thumb throttle. This will take the bike all the way up to its top speed of 20 miles per hour.

About the Author

Tyler Von Harz

Tyler Von Harz is a writer with a passion for computers and technology. When he isn’t writing about graphics cards, processors, and computers, he is working in his computer store, where he builds and repairs PCs. Outside of working on computers, Tyler also enjoys creating coding tutorials and sharing stories about what it is like to run a computer store on his blog: tylerthetech.com

Aventon: Soltera 7 20mph SALE

Buy this bike from Bike Attack Playa Vista and get a second battery at 200 off. We provide the link to get the discounted battery directly from the maker after you purchased the bike from us. Offer is valid for a limited time.


  • 20 MPH Top Speed
  • 41 Miles Average Range
  • Integrated Lights
  • Lightweight Frame

The Aventon Soltera is a rad electric road bike, 1 speed or 7 speed, and a hybrid bike, an affordable and electric bicycle for urban and city use. Keep up the Pace with Aventon‘s latest e-bike, the Soltera!

A sleek, single-speed electric bike (also available in a 7 speed) that is nimble and powerful enough to weave through the jungles of the city yet lightweight enough to carry up a flight of stairs after a day’s work.

The elegant and minimalist design is reminiscent of Aventon’s performance cycling roots, but with an electric charge. The performance-inspired geometric frame allows for a more aggressive riding style with room to still enjoy a relaxing ride.

Maneuver your way through the city with the help of the stealthy yet powerful motor, equipped with both a throttle and pedal assist. Or if you’re looking for a bit of a challenge, ride the Soltera using your own force and will. The choice is yours.

Backlit LCD Display W/App Sync

Our state of the art backlit display gives you the all important metrics needed, right at your finger tips: speed, distance traveled, pedal assist level, and more! Easily activate your ebike’s integrated lights and sync to the Aventon app to share your rides with friends and family!

Frame Geometry

The Soltera ebike is meant for those who ride for the thrill of it. It’s more aggressive geometry places the riders weight slightly more forward towards the handlebars, giving them greater control and stability as they navigate their commutes.

Seamlessly integrated lights make it possible for you to see and be seen. Streamlined taillights operate much like a brake light while Soltera’s headlight is both low profile yet illuminative!

Hub Motor Battery

Take on the pavement routes with our powerful 350W brushless rear hub motor and 10Ah seamlessly integrated battery. People will only know you’re riding a cycling-inspired ebike because of how fast you speed past them!

Take control with throttle on demand and pedal assist functions! Throttle takes you where you need to be without breaking a sweat, while 5 levels of pedal assist allows you to manage your energy output without losing out on speed. Crank it to the maximum or use your own force without assistance; the choice is yours.

MOTOR 36V, 350W (Nominal) brushless rear hub motor THROTTLE Throttle on Demand. Throttle from a complete stop DISPLAY BC280 LCD Easy Read Color Display with Backlight and app sync functionality
SPEED Up to 20 MPH on Pedal Assist Throttle BATTERY Removable Integrated Lithium-Ion 36V, 10Ah with LG cells SENSORS Cadence Sensor, Speed Sensor
PEDAL ASSIST 5 Levels CHARGER 36V, 2 amp fast charger RANGE 41 Miles Average
FRAME 6061 Double-Butted Aluminum Alloy with Internal Battery WEIGHT Soltera Single Speed. 41 lbs Soltera 7 Speed. 43 lbs PEDALS 9/16′ Alloy Platform
FORK AE-E09 Soltera AL fork WEIGHT LIMIT Maximum Payload Capacity: 300 lbs KICKSTAND Included, Rear Mount
BOTTOM BRACKET Square Taper, Sealed CRANKSET 170mm w/ 48 T REAR DERAILLEUR Soltera Single Speed. N/A Soltera 7 Speed. Shimano RD-TY300D
CASSETTE Soltera Single Speed. Single Speed Soltera 7 Speed. 7 Speed Twist Shifter Soltera Single Speed. N/A Soltera 7 Speed. 7 Speed BRAKES Soltera Single Speed. Tektro Caliper Brake (700C) Soltera 7 Speed. Tektro Mechanical Disc Brakes, 160mm Rotors
CHAIN Soltera Single Speed. Single Speed Soltera 7 Speed. 7 Speed RIM Aluminum 36h Front Rear SPOKES Black Stainless 13 Gauge
TUBES Butyl Rubber, French Valve HUBS 36H Nutted Front and Rear TIRES 700c35c Kenda K193
SADDLE SelleRoyal SEATPOST Forged Alloy, 27.2mm, 2-Bolt Clamp STEM Threadless, 31.8mm, 7 Degree Rise
SEAT CLAMP Quick Release HANDLEBARS Aluminum 31.8mm,620mm HEADSET Sealed Bearing Headset
GRIPS Ergonomic Comfort LIGHTS Front and rear lights integrated

Aventon Soltera Ebike Review: An Affordable and Quality Commuter Ebike

The Soltera is the newest addition to the Aventon ebike line. Soltera in Spanish stands for single, so it makes sense why the Soltera is a single speed ebike. Jimmy and I were lucky enough to receive the Soltera before the January 4th release to test and review.

As soon as we unboxed the Soltera and put it together, we could tell it was constructed much better than most ebikes we have reviewed in the past. In this review we will let you know what we love and hate about the Aventon Soltera.

For current pricing on the Aventon Soltera, click here.For current pricing on the Step Through Aventon Soltera, click here.

Top 10 things I love about the Aventon Soltera Ebike

  • Color display
  • Mobile App
  • Simple single speed
  • Seamless welds
  • Beautiful paint job
  • Great color options
  • Lightweight
  • Sturdy construction
  • Integrated lights
  • Throttle on top of peddle assist

The Aventon Soltera mobile app

The color display on the Aventon Soltera is Bluetooth enabled, so you can connect your phone to the Soltera via an app. One of my favorite features of the app is that it gives you the opportunity to track your rides.

The app stores your current and previous rides, giving details of your average speed, top speed, distance traveled, CO2 emissions saved, and calories burnt.

You can also use the app to motivate you against other Aventon riders. There is a section in the app for cycling rank. The cycling rank will show you how you rank against other Aventon riders for the day, week, month, and total.

There is a discover tab in the app that allows you to share pictures and post with other Aventon riders. The app even allows you to find local Aventon dealers for repairs.

Aventon is looking to capitalize on the popularity of social bike competitive apps and programs such as Peloton and Strava.

How many gears does the Aventon Soltera have?

The Aventon Soltera comes in two models, a single speed and 7 speed version. Jimmy and I tested out the single speed version.

I was not a big fan of the last single speed ebike we reviewed, the KBO Hurricane, so I was not expecting a lot from the Aventon Soltera.

However, once I had a chance to test and review the Soltera….I was pleasantly surprised by the overall ride feel of the Aventon Soltera. I’m sure the 7 speed Soltera is nice but I love the simplicity of a single speed Soltera.

The Aventon Soltera Ebike Has a Premium Feel and Construction

Jimmy and I have reviewed numerous ebikes, and most have terrible weld marks. Most ebikes have weld marks that are large and bulky, and simply painted over. Aventon grinds down their weld marks to make the frame look flawless.

It is these fine details that really help Aventon stand out from their competitors.

A paint job to be proud of!

On top of having seamless weld marks, Aventon has mastered their paint jobs. The paint finish on the Aventon Soltera is absolutely stunning. I love how they use other colors of the Soltera bikes in their lineup to accent the bike.

How many colors is the Aventon Soltera offered in?

The Soltera is offered in six different colors, and it depends on the frame choice and gear choices. My wife loves the seafoam green color which is basically a fancy name for teal. Below are the color choices offered.

  • Onyx Black – Single Speed 7 Speed
  • Citrine – 7 Speed
  • Azure Blue – Single Speed

Soltera step-through frame:

  • Salmon Pink – Single Speed
  • Lilac Grey – 7 Speed
  • Seafoam Green – Single Speed 7 Speed

How much does the Aventon Soltera weigh?

The Aventon Soltera single speed weighs 41 pounds.

The Aventon Soltera 7 speed weighs a few more pounds than the single speed, coming in at 43 pounds.

They are both relatively light for ebikes, and can easily be carried up and down stairs or onto public transportation.

How sturdy is the Aventon Soltera?

Jimmy and I have found that quite a few ebikes rattle and shake when dropping off curbs. The Aventon Soltera is sturdy and makes very little noise when dropping it off curves.

The overall construction of the Aventon Soltera is outstanding.

Does the Aventon Soltera have brake lights?

The Aventon Soltera has the most amazing brake lights I have ever witnessed on an ebike. The Soltera has brake lights integrated into the frame, making them seamless and beautiful. When you have the lights on, the rear taillight is always on and gets brighter when braking.

Aventon listened to feedback because a lot of people complained about the Aventure only having one brake light integrated into one side of the frame. The Soltera has two brake lights, one for each side of the frame.

Does the Aventon Soltera have a throttle?

Yes, the Aventon Soltera has a thumb throttle on the left.

When Jimmy and I reviewed the KBO Hurricane, it was hard to get up hills since it was a single speed with no throttle option. The Aventon Soltera offers a throttle which helps out tremendously. When starting on a hill with a single speed ebike, it is hard to get it going.

With the Aventon Soltera, you can help get yourself going on a hill by simply mashing down on the throttle. I love having the option to hit the throttle when I am too lazy to peddle.

For current pricing on the Aventon Soltera, click here.For current pricing on the Step Through Aventon Soltera, click here.

How big is the battery on the Aventon Soltera?

The battery on the Aventon Soltera is a 36V 10Ah LG battery, totaling 360 watt hours. I wish the battery was bigger, but understand Aventon kept it smaller to help with the weight of the Soltera. I love that Aventon is conservative with their claimed range, and lists the ranges based on peddle assist levels.

The battery is built into the bottom of the frame. I worry about batteries falling out when they are attached to the bottom. However, the Soltera has a key and an additional safety latch to hold the battery in place.

Beautiful paint job that can be hard to keep clean

Jimmy and I received the Onyx Black version of the Aventon Soltera. The shiny black paint job is gorgeous, but you can easily see smudges in the sunlight. I do find black cars are hard to keep clean, so I would hope the other colors of the Soltera don’t show smudge marks as easy.

Does the Aventon Soltera remember what peddle assist level you were at when you turn it back on?

One obnoxious feature of the Aventon Soltera is that it will always reset back to 0 peddle assist when turning the ebike off and on. The display will remember your last trip distance, but it will not remember your peddle assist level.

It is easy to turn up the speed settings, but I wish the bike would remember what pedal assist I last left the bike on.

Does the Aventon Soltera allow you to use the throttle in PAS 0?

No, you cannot use the throttle when on Peddle Assist mode 0.

I hate when ebikes don’t allow you to use the throttle when in peddle assist mode 0. Sometimes I like to manually peddle an ebike and only use the throttle when completely stopped or riding up hills.

The Aventon Soltera does not allow you to use throttle only when in PAS 0. I am always confused why some ebikes allow you to throttle in PAS 0 and some ebikes do not.

What type of brakes are on the Aventon Soltera?

The Aventon Soltera features caliper brakes.

I prefer mechanical or hydraulic disc brakes over caliper brakes. Caliper brakes stop fine, but disc brakes feel much better and are safer in wet conditions.

The brake choice is my biggest gripe with the Aventon Soltera.

reasons, aventon, soltera, e-bike, bike

For current pricing on the Aventon Soltera, click here.For current pricing on the Step Through Aventon Soltera, click here.

Who is the Aventon Soltera perfect for?

The Aventon Soltera is the perfect ebike for someone who wants to get into ebikes, but wants a tradtional road bike feeling.

The Aventon Soltera is nimble and would be great for high pedestrian and traffic areas. The Soltera is light enough to carry up stairs and into public transportation.

The Aventon Soltera is a gorgeous ebike and perfect for those who want something aesthetically pleasing. If you are all about having the latest tech, the Aventon Soltera’s app is by far the most premium app we have seen for an ebike.

If you want a simple refined ebike, you should definitely keep the Aventon Soltera in mind.

Aventon Soltera Discount Codes, Coupon Codes, and Pricing

For current pricing on the Aventon Soltera, click here.

For current pricing on the Step Through Aventon Soltera, click here.

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Aventon Soltera Review | Aventon’s Most Affordable Ebike Yet!

Aventon’s newest creation is the Aventon Soltera. The Soltera is a city bike that has design elements of a sleek road bike but with a more comfortable riding position. At 1,199 for the single-speed option and 1,299 for the seven-speed, it is the most affordable Aventon ebike you can buy. (Note that the Aventon Pace 350 is priced at 1,299). Check out our video review below or read on for our full Aventon Soltera review.

Aventon Soltera Electrical Components (Motor, Battery and more)

The Soltera uses a 36V 350 watt (nominal) rear hub motor powered by a 36V 10Ah battery (360 watt-hours). The battery uses LG cells and is integrated nicely into the bottom of the Soltera frame.

It’s a Class 2 electric bike, meaning throttle and pedal assist (cadence sensor) up to 20 MPH. Aventon quotes a range estimate of 41 miles. Check out Aventon’s Soltera range estimates below which are based on real-world riding. The battery is charged with an included 2 Amp charger.

Even though the Soltera is a more budget-friendly ebike from Aventon it still uses the same display found on the Aventon Aventure fat tire ebike (see our review), their most expensive electric bike. This means you can use a mobile device and pair it with your Aventon ebike. The Aventon app allows for some customization including changing settings, ride tracking, social interaction, gamification, and more. Aventon did a nice job with the app and it is a differentiator. Mobile apps are a feature often seen from ebike companies that sell much more expensive ebikes.

Finally, the Aventon Soltera has a left-hand thumb throttle though it’s important to be cognizant of throttle usage simple due to the battery size on the Soltera. Using the 5 levels of assist (cadence sensor) will lead to a longer range.

Soltera 7-Speed vs Soltera Single-Speed

The components on the Soltera differ slightly between the 7-speed and single-speed. Mainly, having the option to shift gears but also the brakes.

The included 7-Speed derailleur is Shimano Tourney which is an entry-level component offered by Shimano. In our experience, it performs adequately and is a common component you’ll find on many ebikes in this price range. The shifter is a twist-shifter, something we don’t often see on many electric bikes.

But here’s where it gets interesting. The 7-speed Soltera comes with Tektro mechanical disc brakes (160mm rotors). On the single-speed are lighter Tektro caliper brakes. Both should provide plenty of stopping power, especially for such a light ebike. However, the mechanical brakes are likely to perform better in wet conditions. The caliper brakes on the other hand will be easier to adjust and replace, even for the amateur home mechanic.

The single-speed clocks in at just 41 lbs and the 7-speed Aventon Soltera weighs 43 lbs.

Soltera Components

All of the other components on the Soltera models are the same. Since the Soltera ebike leans more towards being a road bike for the city, it has thin Kenda 700 x 35c tires. Both axles front and rear are nutted so no quick release. The stem has a slight rise of 7-degrees and a Selle Royal rounds out the components found on the Soltera. Check out the full Aventon Soltera specs.

What Makes the Aventon Soltera Special?

Cables are nicely wrapped and hidden into the frame of the Soltera frame (pictured below). The integrated front light that runs off the Soltera battery is plenty bright and mounts on the handlebars. In the rear are integrated lights that are built right into the frame. This is a feature we first saw with the popular Aventon Aventure (though that ebike only had the light on one side). Not only do these lights look great but they will also increase visibility – something important for city riding.

Ebike Escape’s Take

Aventon continues to impress with their new ebike models. The Soltera is one of those ebikes where you get what you pay for and then a little bit more – a fully-featured LCD display, integrated lights, app connectivity, and let’s not forget the sleek design.

It’s a 36-volt system with a 350-watt motor so you shouldn’t expect an overwhelmingly powerful ebike. But that’s not the point. It’s meant to be an efficient, lightweight ebike that can be used in the city or on paved paths. And the Soltera does just that. If you are shopping for an ebike in the 1,000-1.300 price range the Aventon Soltera should 100% be on your list. Check out the full specs on Aventon’s website (and support Ebike Escape!).

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