Download Hitway e-Scooter transparent PNG. Hitway electric scooter

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Starten Sie jetzt ab 15 € in die E-Scooter-Saison 2023/2024

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Was wir versichern

E-Scooter sind mit einer Betriebserlaubnis versehene Kraftfahrzeuge, die bis 20 km/h schnell fahren und für den Straßenverkehr zugelassen sind. Führerschein ist nicht notwendig, aber der Fahrer muss mindestens 14 Jahre alt sein. Um den E-Scooter zu versichern, braucht man die Datenbestätigung (ähnlich einem Fahrzeugschein).

Segways sind selbstbalancierende Roller mit Lenkstange, die bis zu 20 km/h schnell fahren können. Führerschein ist nicht notwendig, aber der Fahrer muss mindestens 14 Jahre alt sein. Selbstbalance-Roller können Sie ebenfalls über die Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Versicherung bei uns versichern – notwendig für die Versicherung sind die CoC-Papiere (Konformitätsbescheinigung).

Was wir nicht versichern

Nicht alle elektrisch angetriebenen Kleinstfahrzeuge zählen unter die Kategorie E-Scooter. Für Hoverboard, Monowheel und E-Skateboard kann die Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Versicherung nicht abgeschlossen werden. Demnach dürfen diese Fahrzeuge auch weiterhin nicht auf öffentlichen Straßen genutzt werden.

Das elektrisch betriebene Skateboard kann eine Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 40 km/h erreichen. Es wird durch Fernbedienung und Gewichtsverlagerung gesteuert. Diese sind nicht versicherbar.

Das Fahren mit dem selbstbalancierenden Einrad erfordert Übung und eine gute Balancefähigkeit. Man kann eine Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 30 km/h erreichen. Es ist mit und ohne Haltestange sowie mit und ohne Sitz erhältlich. Diese sind nicht versicherbar.

Das selbstbalancierende E-Board wird durch Gewichtsverlagerung gesteuert und kann bis zu 20 km/h fahren. Diese sind nicht versicherbar.

Was kostet eine E-Scooter-Versicherung?

Die verpflichtende Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung erhalten Sie bei uns für das Verkehrsjahr 2023/2024 schon ab 15 € für E-Scooter und für Selbstbalance-Roller.

Die Höhe des Beitrags richtet sich nach dem Alter der Fahrer (unter oder ab 23 Jahre), dem Versicherung-Umfang und dem Monat des Versicherungsbeginns.

Der Gültigkeitszeitraum entspricht dem Versicherungsjahr, das immer am 01. März beginnt und am 28. oder 29. Februar des Folgejahres endet.

Berechnen Sie den Beitrag für Ihre Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Versicherung gleich online.

Wie kann ich meinen E-Scooter versichern?

Eine Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung ist Pflicht. Der Nachweis erfolgt über eine selbstklebende Versicherungsplakette, die Sie mit Abschluss einer Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung erhalten.

Die Plakette muss an der Rückseite des E-Scooters bzw. Selbstbalance-Roller (Segways) angebracht werden.

Neben der Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung können Sie zusätzlich eine Teilkasko abschließen.

Die grundsätzliche Regelung und Zulassung für E-Scooter gilt seit dem 15. Juni 2019. In dieser Verordnung sind auch die Selbstbalance-Roller (Segways) enthalten.

  • Die Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung deckt Schäden gegenüber Dritten in Höhe von 100 Millionen € für Personen-, Sach- und Vermögensschäden je Schadenfall bzw. bei Personenschäden bis zu 15 Millionen € je geschädigter Person ab.
  • Die Teilkaskoversicherung ersetzt Schäden an Ihrem E-Scooter bzw. Selbstbalance-Roller, z. B. durch Diebstahl, Raub oder Brand bei einem Selbstbehalt von 150 €.

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In unseren Versicherungsbedingungen erfahren Sie alle Details zu unserer Kfz-Versicherung für Fahrzeuge mit Versicherungskennzeichen.

Was ist ein E-Scooter?

E-Scooter werden auch Elektroroller oder Elektro-Tretroller genannt und können bis zu 20 km/h fahren. Sie sind zusammenfaltbar und ideal für die Überwindung kurzer Strecken oder der sogenannten letzten Meile – ob von der S- oder U-Bahn ins Büro oder zur Uni und umgekehrt.

E-Scooter ähneln herkömmlichen Tretrollern. Im Unterschied zu einem normalen Tretroller hat ein E-Scooter einen Elektromotor und ist meist deutlich robuster und schwerer. Manche Modelle verfügen sogar über einen höhenverstellbaren Sitz mit Sattel.

Die Reichweite eines Elektro-Tretrollers hängt vom jeweiligen Modell ab. Entscheidend sind vor allem die Motor- und Akku-Leistung. Mit einer Akku-Ladung sind bis zu 40 Kilometer Reichweite möglich.

Sie haben noch keinen E-Scooter? Wir haben ein paar Tipps zum E-Scooter kaufen

E-Scooter werden in Deutschland schon länger verkauft. Viele dieser E-Scooter besitzen jedoch keine Straßenerlaubnis und dürfen trotz der neuen Verordnung nicht auf öffentlichen Straßen gefahren werden.

Die Zulassung eines E-Scooters erfolgt vom Hersteller beim Kraftfahrtbundesamt mit der Beantragung einer Allgemeinen Betriebserlaubnis (ABE). Die ABE wiederum benötigen Käufer eines E-Scooters, um die notwendige Haftpflicht-Versicherung abschließen zu können.

Am Typenschild können E-Scooter-Fans erkennen, ob ein E-Scooter die Voraussetzungen, z. B. zwei unabhängige Bremsen, für den öffentlichen Straßenverkehr erfüllt. Es ist zwingend notwendig, dass der E-Scooter diese Voraussetzungen erfüllt, um versichert zu sein und damit im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr gefahren werden darf.

Dieses Typenschild weist die Fahrzeugart „Elektrokleinstfahrzeug“ aus und befindet sich meist auf der Unterseite oder am Rahmen des Fahrzeugs.

Weiterhin finden Sie dort eine Fahrzeugidentifikationsnummer (FIN), welche Sie für die Versicherung benötigen. Fehlt ein solches Typenschild, sollten Sie lieber nach einem anderen Modell suchen, wenn Sie den E-Scooter im öffentlichen Verkehr nutzen möchten.

Evercross/Hitway H5 Electric Scooter with Seat


Convenient, Fun Transportation

Nearly a year ago, Joyor sent me their newest X5S electric scooter to test drive for a month in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion. My best friend, former neighbor, and I liked it so much, we each purchased one on sale shortly a few months after I had returned the test unit. Since then, my friend used his to zip around and explore downtown Los Angeles during his work break, the neighbor returned his, and I had often taken mine for quick runs to pick up food from nearby restaurants.

Folded: Joyor X5S vs Evercross H5

It had been exhilarating and FUN riding electric scooters, but I am still saddened that local laws prevent us from using them on sidewalks or in parks. Why can bikes and electric bikes go there, but not e-scooters? Regardless, going to and from work sometimes was not fun having to stand during the entire ride, and so I sold the Joyor X5S to finance the purchase of the Evercross H5 with Seat (Hitway brand in Europe). The intent was to have an eScooter that was more solid, safe, powerful, and comfortable for longer journeys. Based on technical specifications, the Evercross looked to meet all those requirements and interestingly, it claimed to have a maximum speed of 28 mph despite some laws prohibiting that. California, for instance, does not allow more than 15 mph. In this review, I will also go over various program options, including how to limit the top speed so you would be less likely to run afoul of the law.

Bike or Scooter?

Electric scooters are more nimble to move around with — and in some cases, more fun — but local laws may prevent them from going onto the same paths as electric bicycles. Most can also be carried around more easily due to their more compact size and lighter weight. Personally, I prefer bikes because they are safer to operate, can (usually) go onto the same places that mechanical bicycles can operate, are (generally) allowed to carry an additional passenger, and if the battery runs out or fails, you can still pedal around. A scooter would stop to function without a battery.

In a Nutshell

The Evercross H5’s build quality is immediately noticeable: hefty, tough feel with clean assembly and urban friendly features. Its wide foot base with front/rear disc brakes afford stability, while the dual wheel suspension and removable, height-adjustable seat provide comfort over bumpy roads. What helped make this foldable, electric scooter stand out are the colorful, changing LED lights along the sides of the deck, a key to unlock the electrical system, left and right turn blinkers, and a whopping 30 mph top speed! And that is where the scooter turns into questionable, legal territory: the distracting lights and maximum speed may land you a ticket, depending on where you live and ride. Unfortunately, the deck lights cannot be independently and easily turned off. [Update 3/22/2021: Yes they can. See “Side Light Control”.]

Evercross H5 Electric Scooter with Seat

Compared to my first scooter, the Joyor X5S, the Evercross is much heavier and larger, making it less portable but better suited for tough terrains that would make the Joyor tremble and hesitate to go on. The scooter’s handles and bar can be folded flat onto the deck, then carried by the latter part, but the removable seat must be removed. Furthermore, the unsecured seat post that is left behind could potentially scratch the base’s anti-slip grip tape. Full removal of said post would require some effort and time.

Scooter can be secured through the locking area (at the bar/deck junction) and front wheel, and the 10″ tubeless tires minimize the risk of having a flat. The 480 Wh 18650 Battery (48V @ 10A) can be replaced or removed by uncovering the bottom of the deck. The battery is rated to take a rider for 31 miles (with a runtime between 1-3 hours), but keep in mind that using the electronically-activated brakes or climbing uphill often can result in a lower range. Joyor’s lighter weight was able to achieve 31-40 miles on a single charge. It took about 5-6 hours to fully charge the battery, and the maximum weight of the rider is 330 lbs, according to the manufacturer.

Overall, the questionably legal, powerful 600W brushless motor (800W peak) with my tested, top speed of 30 mph, programmable options, stability, and comfortable design make the Evercross H5 a joy to ride — but not so much fun to carry around for a prolonged time with its 44 lb weight (Joyor’s is 33 lbs). Turn on the headlight and the dynamically colorful deck LEDs for an additional fun factor, and you could zip around town like a pimp screaming for attention (with a potential ticket by the police for being too distracting to drivers.) As exciting and powerful as the Evercross and any other electrical scooter are, make sure they are legal to ride in your area. Most, if not all, jurisdictions prohibit operating an eScooter on the sidewalk. Nonetheless, the Evercross scooter is built for a more heavy-duty ride across the urban landscape.


  • Clean assembly lines and cable management
  • Lock and key to start/stop electrical system
  • Left- and right-turn blinkers (make audible noise to alert others)
  • Horn, though it likely is not loud enough to be heard by car drivers
  • Headlight that’s fairly bright
  • Taillight is dimly lit in red and brightens when braking

Handlebar Controls, Multi-functional LCD Controller

  • Multi-functional LCD
  • Speedometer, Odometer, and other data points
  • Readable in bright sunlight
  • eScooter can be programmed through the LCD (more on that later)
  • Hidden, covered USB port for charging mobile devices
  • Strong, smooth, satisfying acceleration
  • Top speed: 30 mph. Went as fast as 34 mph downhill before I slowed down out of safety concerns
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  • Three gears (10, 19, 29-30 mph max at each, respective level or 16, 31, 48 km/h)
  • Joyor X5S only takes up to 265 lbs

Bottom deck, Battery charging

  • 480 Wh Battery (48V @ 10A 18650 cells)
  • Replaceable/removable through bottom of deck
  • Range: 31 miles, though 27 Mi is more realistic under “real world” use
  • Use of electronic brakes, rider’s weight, and going uphill will reduce range
  • Lighter weight of the Joyor X5S was able to achieve 31-40 miles on a single charge
  • Wide deck with anti-slip grip tape for better balance and control
  • Hefty weight (44 lbs) adds to stability and ruggedness
  • Seated position feels more stable than standing
  • 10″ tubeless tires (Replacement: 10×2.70-6.5) minimize puncture risk
  • Solid (NOT tubeless) replacements: Front, Rear. If changing to solid, both tires must be replaced, according to Evercross
  • Larger tires generally offer better comfort and stability
  • Schrader valve. Recommended pressure: 36 psi (Cold)
  • Front and rear disc brakes
  • Help slow down faster, but be mindful of physics: sudden stops can propel the rider forward in a potentially fatal way
  • Front and rear wheel suspensions to absorb shocks over bumpy roads
  • Height-adjustable, padded seat
  • Seat and post can be removed, though the latter requires some work to do so
  • eScooter can have its handles and bar folded down towards the deck, lock, and then be carried by the bar
  • Seat post can be folded too, but seat itself must be removed
  • Fun and flashy
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  • Dynamic, color-changing LEDs along the deck’s sides that add some spark
  • Can be illegal in some jurisdictions (more on that later)
  • Display mode can be changed by operating a switch found inside the deck (See “Side Light Control”)
  • Allows for sustained, low-pressure water jet sprays, making it fine for rainy days
  • Activate by holding the acceleration at the same pressure for 3 seconds. Not recommended for above 15.5 mph


  • Automatically turn on with the head-/tail lights
  • Cannot be independently turned off [Update 3/22/2021: Yes they can. See “Side Light Control”]
  • Light intensity, size, position, and color can be contributing factors

Dynamic, colorful deck lights

Update 3/22/2021: Side lights CAN be independently turned off. See “Side Light Control”

  • Top speed: 30 mph. U.S. law generally limits speed to 15.5 mph, making the Evercross potentially illegal to ride. Check with your local regulations
  • Weight: 44 lbs. Much heavier than Joyor X5S’s 33 lbs, making it less portable but more stable and better suited for tough terrains
  • Seat post
  • Must remove seat to fully fold down onto the deck
  • When folded, post stays loose and could potentially scratch the base’s anti-slip grip tape
  • Full removal (to turn into a standing-only eScooter) takes a lot of effort by having to remove multiple hex screws and flange nuts with an Allen/hex key and wrench
  • Only available in black
  • Gear can only be shifted in sequence, not up and down
  • Shifting cycles through 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, etc
  • Display unit is exposed on the handlebar. In a crash, the controller may become damaged
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  • Some scooter manufacturers integrate their LCDs at the center of the handlebar for a more sleek look

Rear Wheel, Taillight, Kickstand


  • Covered charging port is on the left rear side of the deck
  • AC charging brick LED: Red = Charging. Green = Full
  • Lithium Ion batteries are known to be volatile and could catch on fire
  • Do not charge overnight or unsupervised for prolonged periods of time. Stop charging once full
  • Do not leave the scooter in full sun or below freezing
  • Lithium Ion batteries lose about 25% of their capacity every 500 cycle
  • Be sure to lock (audible click) the bar and handle bars into place when unfolding

Bar locking mechanism and pin


  • Be aware of unexpected obstacles. I tumbled once at roughly 5 mph when transitioning from grass to concrete. It was not fun
  • Gently push on accelerator lever to start moving. Apply more pressure for faster acceleration
  • To prevent accidental acceleration, I changed this to require scooter to move forward a bit before the motor would start. See PROGRAMMING section
  • On/Off: Head-/Tail lights
  • Left/Right: Blinker lights
  • Red button: Horn
  • When it was almost fully empty, speed dropped to 9 mph, and eventually error code “E-005” (Undervoltage protection) displayed on the LCD. You could still power off and back on to get a few more feet of driving in, but doing so will shorten the battery’s lifespan

Folded handles, Height-adjustable bar

Display Options

When the scooter is powered on, the Odometer is displayed. Push the Power button to cycle through the following screens:

  • Odometer
  • Trip meter
  • Seconds elapsed since power on
  • Error code. (E-000 = Everything normal)
  • Amperage. (ie. A-000)
  • Voltage (ie. U-50.2)

Dynamic, colorful deck lights

Side Light Control

Icon: Side Deck LED lights on/off

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Whether you want to turn off or change the side lights for aesthetic, legal, or other reasons, the display mode can be changed by operating a physical switch found inside the deck:

  • See YouTube: “Adjust the side Light” (“Fix”) / YouTube: Different light modes (“Shane T”)
  • Switches between dynamic or static color with varying display modes
  • An external button could potentially be installed to operate that switch. I wish that Evercross had made that accessible as a handle bar control

Tip from reader, Tom Bartlett: Cover the lights with electrical tape.

You may also want to consider using velcro instead so you could quickly cover/uncover them as needed. Be mindful not to overheat the LEDs by covering them up too tightly.

LCD Control

Two friends bought their Evercross H5 in March 2021, and found they were able to independently control the deck’s side LED lights by long-pressing the M button. One of my talented friends discovered this by accident. The blue headlight icon would appear on the LCD controller when the deck lights were on. This did NOT work on the older Evercross received prior to March.

Swapping the LCD controllers did nothing, further pointing to something having changed within the deck itself, though I did not take the time to compare what the differences were in wiring between my friends’ and my older eScooter.

Evercross H5 shipments received by two friends in March 2021 have the ability to turn the side lights on/off via the LCD control panel.

With the ability to turn the side lights off, the newer Evercross shipments also seemed to have limited the options you could program. Settings P03, P06-08, and P15 were no longer available, though I wish they had left P15 — the max speed limiter — available. See “Programming Scooter” for more details.

Locking Against Theft

Scooter can be secured with a heavy-duty cable through the front, 10″ wheel spokes and the junction between the deck and vertical handle bar. The rear wheel can be fastened with a disc brake lock. Loop the cable(s) around an immovable object. Don’t forget to take the ignition key with you!

Aircraft Transportation

Most, if not all, airlines prohibit electronic scooters that do not meet specific criteria. United Airlines, for example, allows collapsible ones whose battery is both removable and below 300 Wh. Southwest Airlines is more restrictive at 160 Wh. This scooter’s battery is 480 Wh. Lithium-ion batteries are known to be volatile, and the higher their capacity, the more risky they are. Check with the airlines, TSA, and FAA for more details.

Programming Scooter

The LCD displays the current speed and odometer in kilometers and km/h. Thankfully, it appears to be made by the same manufacturer as the one used by the Joyor X5S, and I immediately knew how to program it. It should be noted that changing any settings could void the warranty and cause unintended consequences such as injury.

To enter programming mode: Hold the Power and M buttons together for a few seconds. Cycle through the options by pushing Power. Push M to edit the option, and move up or down with M or Power, respectively. Hold Power and M together to accept the setting.

Program Options

Here are the various options that can be programmed. Some are reserved for engineering and should not be modified as they could cause “systematic failure”.

  • P02: Unit display. 0 = kilometers (km/h), 1 = miles (mph). Default: 0
  • P03:Do not modify. Battery Voltage. 24, 36, 48. Default: 48
  • P04: Idle time to enter sleep mode. 1-60 minutes. 0 = Do not sleep. Default: 5
  • P06:Do not modify. Wheel diameter (in inches). Accuracy: 0.1″. Default: 9.6
  • P07:Do not modify. Number of magnetic steel for velocity measurement (1-100). Default: 30
  • P08:Do not modify. Hidden setting to set the maximum speed the scooter can go
  • P09: Motor startup. 0 = Can start without movement, 1 = Can only start when scooter is moving. Default: 0
  • P15: Maximum percentage of speed limit (set by P08) the motor can output. 100 = Full speed. Default: 100%
  • For example, if the scooter’s maximum speed is 30 mph, and P15 is set to 50%, then it can only go up to 15 mph (30 x 50%)

Set Top Speed

You can limit or increase the maximum speed of this scooter with the P15 program option. You may want to do this for safety or regulatory reasons. This scooter’s top speed is 29 mph, and setting P15 resulted in the following maximums:

Use the below formula to help you determine the desired percentage. Actual test results may vary slightly.

(Desired Top Speed for Gear 3 / Scooter’s Top Speed) x 100 = % to Set for P15

Error Codes

If an error occurs, a code will be shown on the display.

  • E-000: No error. Normal operation
  • E-001: Motor failure
  • E-002: Turn handle failure (May refer to Throttle/Accelerator, but could not confirm with Evercross)
  • E-003: Controller failure
  • E-004: Handle fails activating brake, such as from loose or damaged brake cable
  • E-005: Undervoltage protection, such as from low, empty, or water-damaged battery
  • E-006: Communication failure. Meter (Display?) not receiving controller output
  • E-007: Communication failure. Controller not receiving meter (Display?) output

Motorized Scooter Laws

I first learned about laws governing motorized scooters when reviewing the Joyor X5S last year, and unfortunately, they were (and still are) not straight-forward. The number of accidents involving scooters hitting pedestrians or riders hurting themselves had prompted stricter regulations, but at the same time, the Rapid proliferation of electric scooters in recent years has made laws fall behind. For example, the NHTSA considers scooters with a seat, capable of going faster than 20 mph, and having a 750W motor as “motor vehicles”. The Evercross H5 eScooter, by that definition, would be one. What did that mean for the rider? My State’s regulation did not seem to classify eScooters as “motor vehicles”, and both Lexology and EnvyRide highlight confusions in their own posts.

I had thought that federal laws prohibited recreational eScooters from going over 15.5 mph, but imported ones like this Evercross go well beyond that. In case it is illegal to go faster than that, look at my PROGRAMMING section to learn how to throttle the max speed to get this scooter compliant.

Sample Regulation: California

California Vehicle Code (CVC) in January 2005 enacted Article 5, Sections 21220-23330, to govern the operation of a motorized scooter. It was subsequently amended with additional rules and clarifications. Keep in mind that Federal, State, and local city ordinances may differ.

Disclaimer: I AM NOT A LAWYER. Please consult your local city, police department, and/or legal professional for advice.

A “motor scooter” was defined as “any two-wheeled device that has handlebars, has a floorboard that is designed to be stood upon when riding, and is powered by an electric [or any other power source] motor. This device may also have a driver seat that does not interfere with the ability of the rider to stand and ride and may also be designed to be powered by human propulsion.” This excluded motorcycles and motorized bikes. Interestingly, how would this law apply to three-wheeled scooters?

The following was my interpretation of how I understood the law.

  • Must ride with a Driver’s License or Instruction Permit
  • Riders are expected to know and follow all basic traffic rules since they are sharing the road with cars
  • Scooter does not need vehicle insurance, license plate, or be registered with the DMV
  • HELP: Anybody know what your options are when there is no bike lane available on those fast streets?
  • Is the only option to WALK the scooter on the sidewalk? Can you manually PEDAL it (with motor off)?
  • Are scooters even allowed to be WALKED on the sidewalk?
  • May ride on a bike path/trail/lane unless local law prohibits it
  • Headlight visible from 300′
  • Red tail reflector visible from 500′
  • White or yellow side reflectors visible from 200′

I read on some lawyers’ websites that if you get into a scooter accident on a sidewalk, you are basically guilty.

Who is Evercross?

According to the manufacturer’s website, Evercross is “the leading mobility brand in Europe since 2015”, a claim I did not verify. Its US trademark filing referenced a horse’s head as its logo with ownership in China, and the domain registrant was listed as in Germany. The Evercross H5 also seems to be sold under the Hitway H5 brand in Europe. Beyond that, I could not find any more information.

Final Thoughts

The Evercross H5 is a much heavier scooter than the Joyor X5S, but makes up for it with a slightly more powerful motor, higher top speed, urban-friendly features, tougher design that enables it to go on rougher terrain, and a more comfortable, stable ride — especially in the seated position. (As a side note, the Joyor X5S can have its speed limiter removed to unlock its 29 mph top speed.)

Evercross H5 Electric Scooter with Seat

Exploring with electric scooters had been so much FUN! The thrill and freedom felt while zipping around on the board with speeds up to 30 mph reminded me of snowboarding up and down the mountains. However, because of the Evercross H5’s powerful motor, speeds exceeding 15.5 mph, integrated seat, and flashy LED lights on the sides of the deck, I often wondered whether I would get ticketed for potentially violating Federal, State, and/or city laws. For that very reason and for my own, physical safety, I had throttled the maximum speed to 18 mph — just in case!

Update 3/22/2021: The newer Evercross H5 eScooter now allowed manually turning on/off the side deck LED lights by long-pressing the M button for a few seconds. It appeared to be a wiring change inside the deck part, though I did not take the time to compare the differences between my friends’ and my scooters. With that change, Evercross also took away several, largely unused program options from the LCD control unit, though I wished they had left P15 option in tact.

Overall, the Evercross H5 was hands-down built tough and had become my favorite scooter to ride across town. The Joyor suddenly looked like a toy in comparison because of its smaller size and relatively light weight. The decision between the two ultimately came down to ruggedness/urban features vs weight/recreation.

Where To Buy

  • Note: Sold as Hitway H5 in Europe
  • Solid (not Tubeless) Tire Replacements: Front, Rear
  • If changing from Tubeless to Solid, BOTH tires must be replaced, according to Evercross

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